This post has absolutely nothing to do with my wedding. And lord knows there are only about 25 people reading this blog regularly. But I'm determined to get this message out through every venue I have at my disposal.
After hearing about the 4th suicide by a gay youth in recent weeks my heart is seriously breaking. Don't know what I'm talking about? Read HERE.
But there is also a project happening out there that can maybe fill kids with a little hope. Its called the It Gets Better Project. And its happening on You Tube thanks to Dan Savage and so many others who are sharing their stories of hope at the It Gets Better Project channel on youtube.
I hope you will take a look at it. But more importantly I hope you will share this link with everyone you know, and encourage everyone you know to share it with everyone they know. Because who knows, somewhere, on someone's flist there may be a gay teen lurking. And maybe they'll listen to some of the vids and find a little bit of hope.
God knows I wish I could tell them it really truly does get better because it does. For me the proof of that is in this blog. I have an amazing partner and a life with her that is so much better than I ever expected was going to happen when I was a teenager.