First, if you get an email from me asking for your address info, please fill out the form and hit submit. You will save me a lot of time, and I will truly appreciate it. You could say I'm being lazy, I say I am being super efficient.
Second, a political season happening while I have "getting married" on the brain is making for a very angry Lesbian Bride. Most of the time when I get the urge to post lately, it would just turn into a political rant. So I don't bother. With the election close at hand though, I will say a couple of things:
1. Gays and Lesbians don't make up a special interest group. We are not asking for anything special. We are asking for exactly the same rights and benefits as straight people.
2. I know there are other issues that matter to people. But I have to ask, how does who is in office really affect you? On a day to day basis? Because having people in office who are anti-lgbt rights affects those of who are LGBTs HUGELY. And not just a couple of extra tax dollars. It can affect if we can be fired from our jobs, it can affect if we can serve in the military, it can affect our ability to adopt children, it can affect our ability to take care of our loved ones, etc. I would happily give up half of my entire salary if it meant I could have the same rights that straight people do. Think about that next time you go to the polls.
3. A lot of the people running this time around aren't your average Republicans. They are seriously conservative, homophobic, and to me down-right hateful people. This is the most nervous I think I have ever been about an election season. I joke with Catie about saying people who vote republican shouldn't be invited to the wedding. But its actually not really a joke. Its kind of how I feel. I mean, we won't do that, because I know some people feel they are supportive of us but have to vote that way because of other issues. But I would hope that at the very least, if anyone we invite has ever voted for a proposition or amendment that opposed gay marriage or lgbt rights, that they would have respect to decline our invitation.
Finally, the "Save the Date" cards/magnets are about 50% complete. Considering we won't be sending them until January, I'd say that is pretty good. I like the way they look. They are cute. When one is completely finished I will post a pic. But they don't necessarily look professionally done. Which is fine with me. But I also think I probably only saved about $30-$60 bucks when its all said and done, so considering the time it takes to do them, I'm not convinced this is the best route.
Although I suppose, at the end, if I add up all the times I save 30-60 bucks during this process, it will probably start to add up. And that will have made the work worth it.