Wednesday, September 15, 2010

The Latter Day Bride?

Oh world. You mock me.

Whilst searching the internets far and wide for a dress with a high back I clicked on this link:

Yes. Really.

And if you are wondering why I even clicked the link? Wouldn't you have done so? My curiosity overwhelmed me.

Now, being a lesbian, one wouldn't expect that I would go wedding dress shopping on a Latter Day website.

And to add to the irony, one wouldn't expect that a website devoted to dressing the very people who work so hard to keep my marriage illegal would be the only website, in all the vast internets, that has dress after dress on it that I like.

On the other hand. While then reading up on the LDS church and its views against gay marriage, I stumbled upon this website: Mormons for Marriage. Now, if you are like me, your automatic assumption would probably be that this is yet another website devoted to proclaiming why gay marriage is wrong. However, it is not. I was pleasantly surprised to discover it is actually a website for Mormons who support Marriage Equality. And a tiny amount of the bitterness in my soul was erased.

Now, I don't think it erases enough of the bitterness to actually let me buy a dress from the Latter Day Bride website. But still, it was nice to see.

As for the dress...I guess I shall continue my hopeless searching, until I break down and find a seamstress.