Saturday, December 18, 2010

At least you have a choice.

The next time you want to complain about how difficult it is for you get a green card or citizenship for your foreign husband or wife, remember this: AT LEAST YOU HAVE THAT OPTION.

Gay and Lesbian couples do not.

Catie and I live in the same country. Yay for us. We also both previously were in serious relationships with people who were not Americans. So while I'm quite glad that those relationships didn't work out, I'm not at all glad that marrying our former significant others and being able to get them legally into this country was a right we weren't allowed to have. While other couples in this country take it so much for granted that they actually complain about how difficult or expensive it is.

Thousands of Gay and Lesbian couples can't live in the same country, because they don't get the privilege of using marriage as a basis for getting their partners green cards or citizenship. They would pay 5 times as much as you did to be able to have their partners here.

So yeah, I don't really want to listen to you complain about cost or difficulty. At least it is an option for you. Be grateful for that.