I believe there is something greater than all of us as individuals at work in the universe. What exactly that is, I am less certain of. So I prefer to refer to this something as The Powers That Be, or TPTB, rather than God. Yes, I got that phrase from Buffy the Vampire Slayer, but that doesn't make it any less fitting a name for whatever, or whoever, it is out there that is greater than myself.
But this isn't a post about my theological beliefs. This is a post about what I think the Christian God thinks about my getting married to a woman. My next post, part 2, will be about what I think of some of his followers, the ones who came to my wedding but should have stayed home.

First of all, if there is a God, I don't think he gave much thought or care at all to the fact that I got married, to a woman, or anyone else because he is probably very, very busy with much larger matters. BUT, if he does give a shit, I'm sure he smiled that day when our wedding came on his radar for a brief moment. Because really, if God is good and God is love, how can you not smile at such an outpouring of happiness and love as we experienced that day? From Catie's family and my family. From Catie's friends and my friends and our friends. They spoke so many messages of love to us during the ceremony.

Many traveled great distances to be there, more than 20 from out of state. How can so much love be regarded by anyone as wrong?
But there is another way I know he would have been smiling. Because all day Saturday it rained. And all day Sunday it was cloudy and looked like it was going to rain. And Sunday night - scattered showers off and on. But right before and all during our ceremony...

The clouds broke. The sun shined down upon us. And clearly, God was displeased.

Plus that trelis that looks like it was made to be there, and added so much beauty to our setting - left behind, like a gift from the gods, by the people married there the day before.
Also, as Catie will tell you, it is nearly impossible for me to be comfortable with temperature. I have comfort range of like 5 degrees. If it isn't somewhere between 67 and 73, I'm too cold or too hot. That afternoon I do believe it was about 70. I couldn't have scripted the weather better myself. Also, our entire honeymoon, barely a cloud in the sky and low 70's the whole week.

I'm just saying...
Just beautiful Haley! You were in my thoughts & prayers all day--looks like everything was perfect. So genuinely happy for you! May the love, support & happiness you felt that day live forever in your heart,mind & lives. Congrats---may you be blessed with a lifetime of love!